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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


Spring 24 Season

This page contains or links to information about the Spring 2024 season, including team schedules, the practice field schedule, and links to the referee schedule (where refs can sign up for matches).  For information that isn't specific to a particular season (e.g., field locations, or what colors to wear for home/away matches), see the Information pages for players and parents.

Note: this page will always be under construction until the season is over.  When information becomes available, there will be more links available in each section.  (For example, the match schedules section will have links to the schedules when they become available.)

Online Registration-November 1, 2023 -February 24, 2024- Games Begin-March 23, 2024

If you see the choice for only EPIC (formerly VIP) team, then your player's division could be full and/or needing volunteers to add more players. If you have a question, please contact the registrar at [email protected] or using our Contact Us page.

Jamboree (5U)

Jamboree is the AYSO soccer program for players 5 and under.  If you have further questions about the Jamboree program that aren't answered on our Jamboree page, please send an email to the Jamboree program coordinator at [email protected].


AYSO is proud to offer a very special program for developmentally disabled children and adults. Our EPIC (Everyone Plays In our Community), formerly VIP (Very Important Player) program provides a safe, fun environment with trained coaches, EPIC Buddies, and volunteers who facilitate an enriching experience that the players and their families will cherish forever.

Region 390 NEEDS Volunteers!

Region 390 and all other AYSO regions are all volunteer ran, please reach out about any of these very needed rolls:
-Field Coordinator *this volunteer roll helps with fields at the start of the season, helping coaches keep fields painted with a schedule, and checks field conditions for rainy/bad weather
Referees for 8U-19U, coaches and assistant coaches, Region 390 Board Members

Match Schedules

These are the match schedules, organized by age division.  If the links in the table aren't active, the schedule has not been posted yet.  The text on the match schedule PDFs may be small so as to fit it all on one page.  Use your zoom buttons to zoom in to make it more legible.

Remember: Region 390 teams wear burgundy jerseys when the home team, and silver when the away (guest) team.  Bring both jerseys to all games anyway, in case you have to switch.


Referee Schedule

The current season Referee Schedule shows who has volunteered to referee the matches being held in Oak Ridge each week.  If you are an AYSO-certified referee and would like to volunteer to referee a match, please send an email to our referee administrator at [email protected].

Reschedule Games

Coaches, see the information about requesting a game reschedule on the Coach Information Page (about halfway down) for information about requesting a reschedule and a link to the web form to request a make-up game.  You must request your game be rescheduled using this form - it allows the referee administrator to put the rescheduled game on the referee schedule, and allows us to request a permit from the city for the rescheduled game.

Practice Field Schedule

The current season practice field schedule shows when and where each team is scheduled to practice.  If you are trying to schedule a make-up match, check this schedule to see which teams might be displaced (including SCOR teams) and be sure to contact them.

Field Painting Schedule

The current season field painting schedule shows when each team is responsible for painting the field lines.  Contact your team coach for information about helping to paint fields.

Region 390 Sponsors

Contact Us

AYSO Region 390, Oak Ridge, TN

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Email Us: [email protected]